Extra hand washing and showering along with cold, windy days and indoor heating can dehydrate our skin, leaving it dry and sore over winter.
Here's nine ways you can keep your skin feeling its best:
Hang onto your water bottle – Keep sipping to stay hydrated even if you're not feeling very thirsty.
Turn down the steam – Although it is blissful to take a long, hot soak, your skin will benefit from a 5-10 minute lukewarm shower. Similarly, if your hands are turning red when washing, the water is too hot.
Moisturise – Lotions and creams supply your skin with a little bit of water and then oils to lock that in. Apply them, or ointments, liberally within a few minutes of taking a shower. Have hand cream close to your sink to apply after each wash. Try using gloves for washing dishes and cleaning. Go gentle – Use mild soaps and moisturisers that won't irritate your skin. We love MooGoo's Full Cream moisturiser, Avene's cicalfate hand cream and Weleda's Skin Food Body Butter.