Napier's William Colenso College is desperate to recover two artworks that were shown in a national exhibition in Wellington and have been lost on their way home.
Both works were shown in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority's showcase of student Maori art, Ringa Toi, in Wellington from September 25 to October 4.
Ringa Toi is an annual exhibition that showcases the artwork of secondary school students with a focus on Toi Māori, with hundreds of pieces being sent in from 48 different high schools across the country.
Work displayed showcases a range of Māori art forms including raranga, kākahu (wearable art), tukutuku, tāniko, whakairo, kōwhaiwhai, mahi-tā (paint, print, spray), uku, whakapakoko (sculpture) and mahi-matihiko (digital).
"NZQA and New Zealand Couriers have been searching for them but they should have been back with us a couple of weeks ago and there's been no sign," William Colenso College head of art Laura Jackson said.