It was all a result of choosing budget accommodation with a view to keeping holiday expenses down. Bad move!
You see, I drove thousands of kilometres last week and on this particular night I felt I had well earned my cold beers and a couple of hours in front of the cricket. I had the first cold one before turning on the telly and then, shock horror, I discovered that this particular motel did not have Sky.
Of course you might say I could have checked that first but I'm afraid I foolishly assumed that all motels have Sky. To me it's as integral as offering little sachets of execrable coffee and dinky little containers of undrinkable long-life milk.
Imagine my disappointment when I turned on to watch the first ball. All I could get that was worth watching was a shark documentary. And a very good shark documentary it was too. But it wasn't the cricket which I had driven hours to see.
What ensued was my first-ever cricket commentary by text. Mrs D was flying the travel legs while I drove them down on planet Earth. This particular driving leg was a long one so I was overnighting halfway. I alerted her to my crisis and what follows is an accurate transcript of selected parts of the texts we exchanged. You will be able to work out which are mine and which hers.