Far from the theatre of war but brought to prominence by events in Ukraine a small group of Woodville residents and a class of senior Woodville School student volunteers met to commemorate Purple Poppy Day in Fountaine Square on Thursday, February 24.
This is the second such commemoration in Woodville since the sacrifice of animals in the war was first recognised in 2018.

This started when the War Animal Memorial was unveiled at the National Army Museum in Waiouru and since then February 24 has been designated Purple Poppy Day in New Zealand when we remember and honour all the animals that have served and been killed in war.
After a welcome by Woodville Vision chairwoman Vicky Tomlinson, they heard from Rev Rosie McMillan about the horses taken from their farms to serve as cavalry mounts, the donkeys, asses, camels and elephants taken as beasts of burden, the many pigeons used as messengers and signals for help and the dogs that served as guards, guides, mine detectors and rescuers.