The story follows Charlotte, a 14-year-old girl who disguises herself as a boy so she can join a cattle drove over Arthur's Pass. She's looking for her father who others believe is dead, killed by thieves after his gold.
She meets Joseph, just arrived from America and carrying a secret that makes him very sad.
A wonderful tale of friendship and family.
Published by HarperCollins, The Drovers Quest retails for $19.99
Next is Mister King's Incredible Journey by David Du Plessis.
Mister King is captured by fishermen and taken on a long journey. He gets weaker and weaker and finally escapes from the boat.
A whale helps him find his way to shore where humans help him recover.
But some of the humans want to put him in a zoo.
Lucky for Mister King, a huge storm helps him escape again and he finds his way home for a happy ending.
Wonderful illustrations, including sharks, whales, other species of penguins and birds, make this book more than just a story. It's about nature, compassion and courage.
Published by New Holland, Mister King's Incredible Journey retails for $19.99
We go from penguin to pig with Lillibutt's Big Adventure, by Maris O'Rourke and illustrated by Claudia Pond Eyley. Lillibutt lives in the mountains between France and Spain. She was lonely and bored. Then along comes a girl named Zoe who was off on an adventure.
Lillibutt begs Zoe to take her along but Zoe warns Lillibutt she will be hot, cold, wet, hungry, thirsty, her feet will hurt and they will walk in silence.
Still Lillibutt wants to go so the pair set off on an adventure. Excellent tale of achievement with repetitive text so the young ones can read along.
Published by Duck Creek Press, Lillibutt's Big Adventure retails for $29.99 (hardcover).
We have a mammoth tale to finish with.
A Mammoth in the Fridge by Michael Escoffier and illustrated by Matthieu Maudet, is a funny story about a boy who finds a mammoth in his fridge. His father quickly slams the door shut and tell his wife to call the fire brigade. But the mammoth gets away and climbs a tree.
Colourful illustration with short sharp text that's easy for young readers to follow.
A funny and unexpected ending will have readers returning to the beginning.
I love the expressions on the faces of these characters.
Published by Gecko Press, A Mammoth in the Fridge retails for $19.99