The men stepped aside while women competed in Hawke's Bay's inaugural Iron Maori women's only duathlon. About 200 women braved the wind and descended on Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park on Saturday.
After an energetic aerobics warm-up, women - in teams or on their own - completed the 5km run/walk, 12.5km cycle and 2.5km run/walk.
Iron Maori event organiser Heather Skipworth had her game-face on, too, with this year being the first she could hand over the organisation and actually take part in the event herself. She said she had been trying to participate for years.
"It's pretty hard to hand over the reins of my own baby."
Lee Grace, who usually helps with other Iron Maori events, pulled off a "fantastic job with all of his merry men to support him", Ms Skipworth said.