Act Party leader Jamie Whyte says while he hasn't followed the Hawke's Bay amalgamations debate, he generally opposes local government mergers because they increase bureaucracy and don't deliver promised efficiencies.
Dr Whyte, along with Act president John Thompson and party CEO Lindsay Fergusson, visited Hawke's Bay this week to drum up support ahead of next month's general election.
"I've got be be honest, I don't know the facts of the case [for amalgamation in Hawke's Bay] so I would be reluctant to get into a debate on the particulars here, but in general we like small governments, not big governments," he said yesterday.
A consultants' report last year said merging Hawke's Bay's five councils would save $10 million a year but Dr Whyte said while efficiencies were put forward as a reason to amalgamate, they often turned out to be "an illusion".
"When you get above a certain size suddenly you need a whole new layer of management. You often get the situation where the bureaucrats are now more distant from the things they are governing and they make a lot more cock-ups because they just don't know what's going on."