More than 80 paintings were created as part of the Dannevirke Art Society's Whispers project.
More than 80 paintings were created as part of the Dannevirke Art Society's Whispers project.
by Sue Emeny
The Dannevirke Art Society's latest project once again reveals the incredible talent of its members.
The Whispers project was a five-week exercise that ended with the "big reveal" on Thursday.
It was a project that showcased members' creativity and had them complete an artwork each week.
The idea was to produce a completed 8x10 canvas that would be wrapped up and handed on to another artist who would take it home, unwrap it and take inspiration from it, either in its entirety or a part of it.
The artworks revealed members were inspired by colours, patterns and shapes. A variety of mediums were used.
The idea for the project came from member Linda Manning.
Dannevirke Art Society member Linda Manning suggested the Whispers project.
"My sister is an artist in Adelaide and her art group took part in the Whispers project. Everybody was so enthusiastic about it I suggested we try it here," Manning said.
"I had thought we would have five artists taking part but we ended up with 18."
She said she was delighted with the success of the project.
The original paintings, along with their threads, have been hung on a wall of the art studio and will be open to public viewing during studio hours from today (Monday).
Entry is by gold coin donation and art is available for purchase.
The studio is open Monday 10am to 4pm, Tuesday 10am to 1pm, and Thursday and Saturday 10am to 4pm
With that project behind them the artists were looking forward to the next, which took place on Saturday.
This was a portrait workshop taken by former Dannevirke resident Darren Wallace.
In May, Wellington artist Malcolm Sime will be holding a beginners workshop working in the style of American artist Bob Ross.
At the same time art society members are working on paintings for the annual art show, which last year marked its 60th exhibition. The theme for this year's exhibition is From My Window.