After a break in 2022, the very popular Wheels With Attitude will finally get to host its 25th car, truck and motorbike – in fact, anything with wheels and attitude - show on Sunday, January 29 at the Dannevirke A&P Showgrounds.
It started when two Dannevirke Lions Club members dreamed up the concept, and after it took off, they handed it over to the Dannevirke Wheels Club. Since then it has expanded further, and if 2021 is anything to go by, this year it will be huge.
The sun shone down fine and warm as car enthusiasts flocked to the Dannevirke A&P Showgrounds, both to show off their wheeled treasures and to view what was going to turn up in the 24th Wheels With Attitude show on January 31, 2021.
There were so many entries, the vehicles spilled out of the showgrounds’ oval in several extra lines towards the livestock sheds.