Thursday's delivery of National's sixth Budget by Hon Bill English shows New Zealand is heading in the right direction.
The last six years have been challenging for New Zealanders, especially those outside of the main centres such as here in the Bay. Thankfully the National Government has charted a path through some turbulent economic seas to ensure New Zealanders have the opportunity and support to grow and therefore make choices for their future.
This year's Budget will benefit families through extra government spending as the economy picks up. This Budget provides a comprehensive package of practical measures focused on young families and those vulnerable children who most need our care and protection.
National is extending and expanding paid parental leave and increasing the parental tax credit, so that parents have more choices about what's best for their family at this crucial stage.
Budget 2014 will extend paid parental leave from 14 to 18 weeks in two affordable steps, as well as widening eligibility and increasing flexibility.
We all know that financial pressure is the main reason parents return to work earlier than they would like to after having a baby. So extending paid parental leave in a responsible and affordable way will make it easier for parents to take more time off work, if they choose to.
To support that National will make doctors' visits and prescriptions free for children under 13. Under-sixes already have free GP visits, and responsible fiscal management allows us to extend that to their older brothers and sisters, meaning nearly every pre-school and primary school child will be covered until they turn 13. Strong healthy young people will grow into strong healthy adults so I am pleased to see - for the first time - spending on health topping $15.6 billion a year.
Along with free doctor visits and prescriptions for those under 13 more New Zealanders will get elective surgery, there will be an increase in cancer services, cochlear implants and an additional $20 million spent on fighting rheumatic fever.
High-quality education is vitally important. It provides the opportunity for any child from any background to get ahead and make the most of their life.
National will invest $858 million of new spending on early childhood, primary, and secondary education to create a total spend on education of $10.1 billion next year.
This will include $284 million for more schools, classrooms, and improvements to school property; $155.7 million more for Early Childhood Education to give kids the best start; $85.3 million extra to help schools run smoothly; $2.5 million boost to get more home computers and digital literacy training for low-income families.
Each of these commitments will help New Zealanders in practical ways. These commitments are only possible through strong decisive leadership and can only continue by a smart National government supporting a growing economy.
It is clear National also values home ownership. National wants to provide stability for communities and security for retirement.
They will do this by temporarily removing tariffs and duties on building materials; by reducing construction costs by $3500 for a standard home; by investing $30 million to help the community housing sector provide more homes for high-need families; by freeing up land supply; by reducing compliance costs, and improving productivity in the building industry.
This is a responsible economic policy to take pressure off interest rates and support hardworking people in regions like Napier to live in dry, warm homes.
As a country we are in an enviable position compared with many other countries.
New Zealanders have shown considerable resilience since the domestic recession, which was followed by the global financial crisis, and the Canterbury earthquakes.
As a country and a region, we've had some tough years but now things are looking up.
The Government's books show we're doing better, and confidence surveys show we're feeling better, too.
We'll record a small surplus next year and larger surpluses in the coming years, which will allow us extra spending, but not so much that it pushes interest rates higher than they otherwise would be.
National's responsible management will see Government debt reduced to 20 per cent of GDP by 2019/20, enabling the resumption of full contributions to the NZ Super Fund.
National will invest a further $1 billion from the Government share offers in essential public assets without having to borrow the money from overseas lenders.
This is a Budget from a Government that knows what it's doing for a country that knows where it's going.
#Wayne Walford is the National Party candidate for Napier in the election later this year.
Wayne Walford: Budget sets the right course
National Party Napier candidate Wayne Walford
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