Central Hawke's Bay councillor Andrew Watts has survived disciplinary action that would have seen him removed from the Building Consent Authority Review Committee.
Mr Watts was facing the council's conduct review committee (CRC) following a complaint made by chief executive John Freeman that the councillor had, through emailed correspondence, made defamatory and derogatory comments about him and called into question his integrity, managerial skills and professionalism.
The correspondence was about how BCARC was handling the audit of the building department, which is a result of dozens of complaints levelled at it, and Mr Freeman's role in the committee overseeing this process.
The CRC upheld Mr Freeman's complaint against Mr Watts and recommended to council that the councillor be removed from the BCARC.
The CRC's chairman is mayor Peter Butler. While the recommendation was put to councillors yesterday at their general meeting, no one rose to move it, so it wasn't voted on or carried.