The Peace of Angels by John Jennings directed by Jules Hamilton and An Unseasonable Fall of Snow by Gary Henderson directed by Lindsay Bishop.
Thursday, July 23 to Saturday, August 1
Reviewed by Mary Kippenberger
Waipukurau Theatre you know I'm a fan whatever you do, whatever genre you give us.
Often it is comedy or a farce and what could be better on a dull winter's night but not this winter. This winter you have thrown the book at us. You have brought in the big gun directors, swooped in on the finest talent and given us a piece of theatre that does its job. Makes us stop. Makes us think and makes us talk.
Brilliant. From the stark sets to the understated lighting to George Te Amo's wonderful cameo I was riveted. The Peace of Angels is our first offering. Jo Paget and Charlotte Oram wrapped their characters with love, tenderness and pain. Lines jumped out … 'when all is stripped away all we have is compassion'. There was a catch in my throat and such a strong desire for it to be okay in the end.
And then to our second piece. I was looking forward to this. Dean Alsop and Sam Draper. I knew it would be good but their acting was out of the ball park, down the road and into the next county. Powerful isn't a big enough word.