Waipawa wool classer Trish Ludlow's experience and high standards has gained her the 2019/20 North Island Merit Award for a second time.
This year's accolade is for the preparation of CHB wool grower Andrew Ellingham's FAE UnderBar woolclip, sponsored by NZ Woolscours and harvested and prepared by Jus Shearing Team - the same team that harvested Te Kaihi's woolclip in the 2017/18 season, contributing to the owner David Daunton receiving a woolclassing merit.
Trish was also recognised in the 2014/15 season for the high standard of wool preparation of CHB woolgrower Dennis Bell's Roundaway woolclip harvested by Shearing NZ.
She says being nominated for these awards, where strict criteria is used to judge numerous woolclips, brings great satisfaction.
This award is more desirable, Trish says, as there are not as many big North Island full wool (eight-12 months wool growth) sheep flocks as there used to be.