Sunday, November 1, was an auspicious day for two World War II veterans, both now centenerians and probably unique in the RSA to be both living in the same town.
Johnny Bray now 101 and Ivan (Bonnie) Bodley who turned 100 the next day were honoured at the Dannevirke Services and Citizens Club with life memberships of the Dannevirke and Districts RSA by the National Vice-President Bob (Bukit) Hill.
Speaking for the local branch Dannevirke President Roly Ellis said the honour had come far too late in life as the recipients had been members of the RSA for more than 75 years – probably another record in the RSA - but it was time to do it before they "clock up another century".
He outlined the service records of both men - Johnny serving in New Caledonia "keeping all types of vehicles operational", and Bonnie serving in the Solomon Islands and Pacific as a machine gunner before serving in Trieste and Venice in Europe, both joining the RSA at the end of the war.
Ellis said: "Your service to your country and the RSA has been exceptional and many youngsters could take a leaf out of your books." Ivan junior reported Bonnie had only missed one local Anzac Day ceremony in all those years, when he was in London and attended one there.