After earlier plans to hit the stage were postponed by the Covid-19 lockdown, The Trial of Trimmer Trend was finally presented by Totara College senior students to audiences in the Fountain Theatre on Friday October 23, the first at 1.30pm to students and parents and the second at 7pm to the general public.
This was a morality play which typifies virtues and vices, written brilliantly to help people see the absurdity of running away from one's own conscience and from the Word of God.
Mr Trimmer, very well performed by Josiah Max, makes his pilgrimage, a downhill descent towards death and judgment, as he ignores the truth and heeds false counsellors with names like Tonguely Smoothcheek (Lile Dean), Morality Slipping (Piper Carnie) and Doctor Glossover Thinly (Lily Sutton).
He is rescued only by turning to the Cross at the eleventh hour.