Given the intense national energy and enthusiasm around Matariki and the highlighting of Tawhirimatea’s battle with Tumatauenga resulting in the crushed eyes of Tawhirimatea being hurled into the heavens forming the Matariki star cluster, it’s also important to remember the battle of two other sibling atua, Tane and Tangaroa.
Tane separated Ranginui from Papatuanuku against the will of Tangaroa who wanted to keep them together. Tane, in demonstrating his success went on to build waka to spear fish from and use flax kete to gather shellfish which he then devoured.
Tangaroa, driven by fury at Tane’s actions in eating his children vowed to bring the massive ocean water resources at his disposal to cascade from the skies smashing and gouging the forests, flora and fauna of Tane, dragging them into the sea to be devoured by Tangaroa and his children. This ongoing battle is called Te Paerangi.
Moana Tu i te Repo, daughter of Wanui a rangi (the great oceans of the sky) who married Potangotango (the last of te Po phase) became goddess of all swamps and wetlands.