Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc hosted their 16th annual AGM Pa Sports Day last Saturday at Splash Planet. It was a glorious sunny Hawke’s Bay day that greeted the throngs of whānau, who had travelled from the four corners of the iwi’s rohe.
Jesse Munro was the first to arrive at the main entrance at 7am. She was there on behalf of her 100 or so whānau from Pourerere Marae in Central Hawke’s Bay to claim the best spot for their group inside Splash Planet.
“This is one duty I love to perform for my whānau. I have arrived early and been first in line for 15 years.”
By the time the water theme park opened at 10am, hundreds of excited families had massed around the main entrance in two lanes, one lane for our iwi members and one lane for ticket buyers on the day. Most had bought their wristbands beforehand and they swamped two express lanes into Splash Planet.
A large contingent had travelled from Wairoa that morning by bus, van and car. The Wairoa Taiwhenua had bought 300 wristbands for their members and many who came were school-aged children.