One thousand three hundred and fifty three runners, hurdlers, high and long jumpers, shot putters and discus athletes kicked off the 39th Colgate Games yesterday with a ceremonial march past the Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park's finish line.
The three-day-long competition of more than 200 events for athletes aged 7 to 14 has representatives from 93 North Island clubs and is New Zealand's largest National Junior Athletics Championship. A South Island meeting is being held in Invercargill next week.
Competition secretary and Hawke's Bay mother-of-three Nicki Carlson is one of 150 volunteers. She said the games were open to athletes at all levels, emphasising participation over achievement "but we have some excellent athletes coming through".
With husband Craig she always takes annual leave to coincide with the games, which come to Hawke's Bay every seventh year.
Family members and spectators outnumber athletes by up to three to one but unlike winter sports there were no problems with side-line umpires.