Rainfall across Hawke's Bay in November averaged more than double the average for the month, but six times greater in Napier which had one of its biggest-ever floods.
The details are revealed in Hawke's Bay Regional Council's monthly rainfall report, which reveals record rain on the council's roof near the Napier CBD totalled 296.5 millimetres – almost 12 times the 25mm recorded by that gauge in November last year - the start of a drought in which there was below average monthly rainfall for eight months.
If it hadn't been for the 250mm-plus in the Napier flood on November 9, the total for the month would have been about the HBRC Dalton St rooftop gauge's November average of 50mm.
The rain report for last month was released on Tuesday and covers mainly rural and mountain areas on the HBRC metered network, which aims mainly to give early warning of floods from rivers across the region from Waikaremoana to Porangahau.
The heaviest rainfall among the 43 stations summarised was 342.5mm, at Waipoapoa, at the southern extremity of the November 9 weather bomb, during which rainfall at the site totalled 201.5mm.