* Ok how much longer do we have to put up with that stupid irritating commercial, Ab Circle Pro. Honestly we get the picture well and truly. Talk about leave nothing to the imagination. It's bad enough when it comes on, but that's not just it. It goes on and on and on. Give it a break. And I can't believe the c**p that's on TV.
* Full nudity sex scenes. Honestly leave it for the adult channels.The programme in question was on at 8.30pm. Good for the kids. And before someone tells me to get a life try putting the remote in your hand. FU.
* Re text from DMcC about fracking: You must be naive if not deluded if you believe oil drilling off our coastline will benefit Hawke's Bay in any way, shape or form. The only guarantee from the drilling will be pollution of the seawater and most importantly our precious aquifers.
* DMcC wants drilling for oil because he wants a modern and wealthy Hawke's Bay! Hope he's wealthy enough to buy water and food from somewhere else when Hawkes Bay land and aquifer become polluted by the chemicals oil companies use in the drilling process.
* Re cage fighting: I work in the hospital and also train to be a cage fighter. I've had doctors and nurses that went to the event tell me how well run it was and it was for a good cause. Give it a go before you judge it.
* To 75- year-old Greenie, where can i get decent cloth nappies from? Most are sub standard! TN, Clive