* Thanks to the lowlife who broke our flagpoles and pinched our three flags. Get a job and buy your own, leave us pensioners to enjoy RWC, Go the All Blacks. NBG
* I too had my All Blacks flag stolen off my car. Way to go to the person in Flaxmere who stole it, my kids were gutted.
* The bouncy virtual rugby pitch is a great hit with the kids lining up patiently for a go. Awesome fun idea to raise money for charity.
* The problems at Auckland's party central don't bother me it is the lack of Hawke's Bay party central that is a problem.
* Not cool to see our rugby team spitting on the field.
* A huge thumbs up to Onekawa Primary and Bledisloe School for your awesome World Cup entranceway displays - well done!
* Cabbage trees George Williams is 100 per cent correct about cabbage trees! Graceful deciduos trees of an appropriate size are best in an urban environment. Think right...think ahead and nip this one in the bud!
Male shopper
* To the very quick efficient male grocery shopper: I think the problem lies with you, not with the female shoppers. Take a good hard look at yourself or better still buy your wife some flowers for putting up with you.
* Husband grocery shopper: Get out of our zone and get your groceries delived!
* Found wallet Re found wallet with money inside. You shouldn't hand it in with the intention of getting anything in return.
* To person who found wallet: Do you know if owner got it back and was given your name? Also why do you need pat on back for doing the right thing.
Other thoughts
* Big ups to the clever spark who came up with 'Don't be a tosser' for the anti litter campaign. Hope the message gets through.
* At least you can see where your rates go in Hastings! Where are all the bike racks in Napier CBD? Nowhere to be found. Come on Napier get with it!
* So sad to see all those mop top stumps in Church Rd. What is council thinking?
* Re red light runners: Wish the Lee/Meeanee roads intersection could be monitored. It's very dangerous there. JH
* To the kind honest person who found my daughter's purse at Hastings Coundown and handed it in. A big warm thank you. Made my daughter's day. Show's there are caring people around.
* People who cough over you and don't cover their mouth I think are worse than smokers. AN. To the person who texted in about the number of people who txt in and moan. Maybe it's called freedom of expression ducky. Aren't we lucky that we have the opportunity through HB Today. Didn't you just have a moan. Good on you.
* Parents,- please monitor your kids Facebook pages. It's not ok to turn a blind eye to some of the rubbish and horrible language they sometimes use.
* Wow! The Westshore Bridge and new pedestrian path looks so good and safe..can we have the same in Clive please? We're part of the path/cycleway too.