* A World War 2 plane has just thundered around our home in Hastings...magnificent.
* Art Deco weekend: I'm HB born and raised. First time I've taken interest. Good fun, cool weekend.
* Here's a tip to Leigh Bramwell of gardening page and anyone else who hates weeds. Use iodised salt. Weeds hate it and so do ants. I use an empty dish liquid bottle so it's easier to pour. Wet weeds first then add salt. Don't use near plants you want to keep. Great on bricks etc. Not toxic like sprays.
* Congratulations Henare O'Keefe for a well deserved award. You walk the talk!
* To the person who lives in the Norton Rd area that keeps playing the electric guitar. Do your neighbours a favour, throw it away or go get yourself a job to pay for lessons!