* Chewing gum removal: Use De Solv It . Works like magic. Safe to use, made of citrus.
Silver birch trees
* I agree with texter re silver birch. We have one next door. At the moment the house is full of seeds - we even get the branches in the winds. Aargh!
* Silver birch trees not only make one hell of a mess, they're a major contributor to hayfever and asthma. Do an internet search on the subject. It's long overdue that the NCC ban them.
* Tinnitus is caused by aspirin and painkillers. B
* Re tinnitus: Sorry, no cure I know of. I've had it for years. Caused by painkillers.
US soldiers
* Who can blame US troops urinating on Teleban corpses? I would, too, after all the atrocities they have perpetrated in their mad, misguided extremist beliefs. The attack on the World Trade Centre claimed nearly 3000 lives and is the reason for the presence of US troops there in the first place. Who cares if they feel insulted? MJ
* Gutless American soldiers peeing on bodies of enemies. Sick country, sick society, that America!
Other thoughts
* Re Dannevirke Fantasy Cave: What happened to our own fantasy cave? It used to be at Fantasyland, now Splash Planet. Is it still there? If so, is it working? Never hear of it these days, it was so neat.
* Why are there always railway carriages blocking the view into the Port of Napier? JW
* What the ... ? $35 for the Rugby World Cup DVD highlights but no footage of the cup presentation? After 24 years? Short-changed big time! DHP
* A challenge to all rugby league ladies. Enter IronMaori this year.
* Parents need to take more responsibility for their youths these days. They cause mischief because they are allowed to do what they want from a young age and don't know right from wrong. Just look at that 12-year-old in Wairoa! Where were the parents?
* Finally common sense prevails re speed limits on Railway Rd, Hastings. Best extend the 70km/h limit to Tollemache Rd and actually roadmark the pedestrian crossing before school starts.
* Re "be prepared for pigs to drop rubbish" in regards to Havelock North Mcds ... come to my place and help me pick up the beer bottles that have been "left" on the pavement. But whatever you do, don't be critical of the bottle stores/alcohol providers in the village.
* Thank you, Bruce Bisset, for your reply to the letter about food safety from Craig Foss. I have read the bill and I agree with your comments.
* Smokers, if you decide to smoke it's your choice but don't inflict it on everybody else by smoking in public places and then make it worse by throwing your cigarette butts on the ground, road or in gardens, etc, for someone else to have to look at and clean up. Have some respect for other people.
* I have travelled heaps, so know for a fact the water we drink from our taps rates as the best in the world. They say clean natural water will be a rarity, valued like gold in future. Government want to risk all that! Fracking has high chance of leaving us with toxic water! Government driven by greed!
* Re Balloon tragedy: We Matariki crew would like to send our condolences to those families who lost there loved ones. Last year Lance Hopping and his crew came and set up at the Matariki Festival in Flaxmere Park. We will not forget that night, even though it rained. What a lovely night that was. May they rest in peace ake ake tonu atu. (forever and ever).
* Hey, I know what to do re red T-shirts. Why not have a National Red T-Shirt Day? Let the buggers know we as a country stand in unity against these waste-of-space gangs. JH
* So Brian Tamaki wants Government funding to create his separatist cult city. Great stand-up comedy, Brian.
* Suck it up. ETs are real and have been watching over mankind for millennia. They are the good guys and not the conquerors come to take over planet Earth, as some would have us believe