* I don't vote as all politicans are liars and fools. So I dont trust any and most people are just sheep! So until that changes I won't vote! None of them mean what they say! TN
* Well done pie man. The judge has the last laugh. Good on you Judge Rea. He's no different then anyone else. What pie will you make now?
* Anonymous texter (13 Dec) asks why people having issues with NCC write via HBT. It's all about trying to get the attention of indifferent public servants by 'going public'. If you'd taken the time to cast an eye over any evening's HBT texts you would have realised that half or more of the texts generally are. Perhaps we should change them or withhold their pay. DBS.
* To the person complaining about 34 jobs being taken from Kiwis. You misunderstand, these people are skilled workers that have been invited by the government, we are not after apple pickers. JW
* To the residents of the unit on the corner in Nelson St diagonally across from the Countdown carpark, your roses are beautiful. Anne.