* St Vincent de Paul, loved your daffodil window display. Also top service and great prices.
* Wairoa: Kia ora. I was born and bred in Wairoa, 38 this year. I have two children. We love Wairoa, it is a wonderful place to bring up your chidren. Great river, great people, great food and seafood, awesome things to do. Just some uneducated idiots that ruin a whanau day out (brainless men in gangs). Send them over to Tripoli to fight in a real war. CMR
* Winter? ... what winter? Hawke's Bay is having the longest spring ever!
* Clean green image? Swim in Lake Tutira, clean up as soon as possible or you might turn green around the gills!
* Thank you to those who care for the Pakowai dog park ... much appreciated.