Rugby World Cup
* Clean up for the cup. It's great NZ wants to look our best for the visitors heading here. What a shame Napier can't manage to clean the waterway on Georges Drive. It's an eyesore of pollution and rubbish right where everyone will be parking. Cleaning it would make it beautiful not only for the visitors but also for the community to enjoy. It's long overdue! MO
* World Cup accomodation: Are all these massive increases in accomodation prices by hotels private houses etc just making NZ look bad and greedy also hurting future events that NZ might attempt to host? Yes NZ needs every cent it can get but this kind of profit does not benefit NZ and only reduces the extra spending that might have been made that does benefit the NZ economy ? MP I agree with LS. The haka is overused, overrated, pathetic and embarrasing. Get rid of it or use it once, ie if ABs win World Cup or for Olypmic gold medals.
* Hear, hear David Smith, Zac has a deserved place in the ABs, one average performance doesn't deserve such bad reviews. Where is the support for this young star? Lynda
Anti abortionists need to get a life or even a job and spare a thought for the women who for whatever reason make a heart-wrenching decision to terminate. Give them a break.
* To the person who texted supporting these abortion protesters: Get real, your comments come from the dark ages. What about the women who were raped or girls that get molested by their fathers or stepfathers and end up pregnant? Freedom of choice without a band of placard holding witchhunters at the gates.