* $20 million over paid by WINZ! Us full time tax payers will be the ones to pay it. It's a big joke. It's overdue that matters of this kind were looked into.
* Those that don't want to pick apples during the season - stop their Dole payout etc. As it stands the Pacific Islanders are doing this job and sending the cash back home while the Kiwis sit in their nest doing nothing and getting paid for it.
* So our chamber leader wants inner city apartments occupied by whom? My guess is by the unfortunate who roam the streets at night. Several months ago another leader endorsed a proposal to build an upmarket hotel in the inner city. I suggest they may be out of touch if you support and promote the American big box model this is what you get - heartless towns. I saw it in the 80s in the US and sure as oats it will happen here. Sorry Hastings, but your leaders have sold you out. Solve the social problems, get the bureaucrats to help, not hinder, small businesses and life may return to the town.
* Gangs are unwelcome! They bring shame and embarrassment on their mums, dads and families who brought them all up to be strong, proud and respectful. Wake up and get a life? Show your whanau and friends, most of all your kids, that your are better than that! Gangs are full of cowards!
* I like mongrel slobs and slack power - made us laugh.
* HDC can make roads a lot safer by getting rid of a lot of those green lines.
* Seriously - the cost of wages, day in lieu, etc and a family man's day off with most of the country and you complain they are not working on the Manawatu Gorge on Waitangi Day. They'll be doing 10 - 12 days now. What do you do? WM