* Good on the Black Caps. Sad to see texts knocking them before the series is over. Have faith. Anne.
* Black Caps knockers did you hear 'the fat lady sing?'
Ocean Beach
* I arrive at the beach at 6am, to bait and check my craypots, (which means I can be back in town and on the way to work by 8am) I have done every summer for 20yrs. This is an absolute waste of our taxes. What a joke!
* Re Ocean Beach: Most surfers are at the beach by 6am as the sea breeze is up by 8am.
Other thoughts
* Wish the council wood do something about large bush on corner of Victoria St and Warren St. When coming up Victoria St from Karamu Rd your vision is blocked. Serious accident waiting to happen.
* Hey Santa did you know Whirinaki is in the Hastings district? We have just moved out here and there are a lot of families that would love to see you. Please come visit us soon.
* Has Napier and Hastings got a law of its own on using indicators when driving? Some drivers don't use them. If they use them it's as they make the turn and not before. No wonder Hawke's Bay has the worst standard driving record in NZ. Most drivers are in a dream and think those that are awake can read their minds. It seems too me it's not law here to indicate when turning left.
* What a cheek. QV valuations have dropped so why haven't rates?
* Why not put the rail line between Napier and Hastings to use and run a shuttle service? Be great for business in both cities.
* Re not everyone who pays rates has got kids or has had them: True. But everyone who pays was a kid once!
* Did you know Wilson Rd now has three lanes - a special one for HDC vehicles to share with cyclists and pedestrians..AW
* NZ Post seriously! I went to the post shop and asked how much to send these Christmas cards. The lady stated 60c each so I bought a booklet of stamps and sent the cards away. They were returned saying insufficient postage, really no wonder nobody posts anymore and there are less staff working at post shops.
* Having once again printed the name and shame page it appears as though some people will never learn about drinking and driving. Sentences are not severe enough.
* Christmas at the Park absolutely wonderful. Congratulations to organisers. Everyone had a great time watching great acts and Santa - what a show stopper. Thank you.
* Why does the person who murdered Johnny Wright get name suppression? Supposedly for his mother's sake? What about Johnny's parents spending Christmas and the rest of their lives without their son. Name him I say. JHW
* We can't afford to give our kids untreated milk now, because we don't know what's in the pastures they feed in.
* Cooking and food preparation TV programmes should not be slotted into prime evening and night viewing time. TV bosses should make changes. NL
* Mrs Arnott with one of 34 candidates to be sworn in as NZ citizens in a ceremony in Napier: Oh goodie, another 34 Kiwi jobs taken.
* Thanks to all the people who send in cute cat photos to Submit a Photo. I just love them.
* Re I hope this National Government will support communities and the underclass. Don't hold your breath.
* "(HB) Region slumps to near bottom." Oops, too late, you all voted National or didn't vote at all. Take that. Must be all those jobs National created.
* It's a bit late to worry about the government going back on their word about mining conservation land. Should have sorted that out at the election. You reap what you sow.
* To all the non-voters in HB: Why didn't you want to vote? Don't you care about NZ at all? You can vote during the week if poll day doesn't suit you. Be fair to NZ.
* To the idiots who robbed the Aussie tourists in Napier - you are just scum.
* If you have issues with NCC why write letters to HBT and expect a response from NCC?