* I think Rosanagh Wypych is lovely and should be very proud of herself. Show me a perfect teenager. Eleven-year-old girls should not be on facebook.
* Why did the mother of the child ring Hawke's Bay Today? Could have just removed Rosanagh as a friend.
* Rosanagh neither top model or role model. Needs to grow up!
* Re Rosanagh: She's a teen, teens make mistakes. She has made bad decisions and she's using Top Model to do something good for herself.
* Why is there an 11-year-old on Facebook? Isn't there an age restriction? Maybe the mother should start acting like a role model before criticising Rosanagh.
* I would be interested in the number of readers who care about NZ's next top model. The story on the local entrant has appeared a lot lately. I imagine her parents wouldn't be too happy about it either. MB
* NZTM finalist Rosanagh says she hopes to learn from her mistake. After the first one she didn't learn... went on to drive while disqualified... didn't learn then either... went on to give false details to police. She's a slow learner, enough chances me thinks. LJG. Hastings
* Oh wow. Police say only a matter of time before someone killed in gang trouble in Wairoa. Good! Hope its en mass! Mongrels and Black Power wiping each other out. GH
* I am a sales rep and travel to Wairoa once a month. I've found the people of Wairoa to be some of the happiest and friendliest people i have ever met. BJS
National Standards
* The key to a better education for your kids is funding cuts? Hello Mr Key.
* Excellent letter Kate White re National Standards at schools. My child just turned 5 and I visited four HB primary schools and each principal did not agree with National Standards but knew they were going to be forced to comply. They all said they would do the paperwork, but would continue teaching as they had always done as that created much better long term results. John Key hides behind Anne Tolley on this one. All parents should vote Labour and get rid of the ridiculous National Standards.
* Well said Kate White. Schools must keep their special character. And we must keep our right to choice. I am about to enrol our third generation at our wonderful school. I am reminded of the vision statement: Receive the child in reverence, educate the child in love, let each child go forth in freedom.' signed grateful ex pupil.
Other thoughts
* I was walking on beach in Whirinaki by the pimple and came across a 3m wide and 2km long stretch of sea shells still alive. I rang MAF to see why - they just weren't interested in my find. Why aren't they and what is killing the 100 and 1000s of live sea shells on our beach? Another unjustified power price rise coming yet again. I am so over greedy power companies - they can shove it. What'smynumber here I come.
* Tram idea is close but hardly bold. A monorail like the one that loops around inner Sydney is what we need - now that is bold. Up out of the way of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Close Splash Planet and we'll be able to afford it.
* How stupid do you really want us to look?! An egg for a mascot! C'mon, you eggs!
* What a shame that local design company featured in paper who won awards for Queenstown Aqualand Centre can't design same for here. We went to Queenstown Aqualand many times while on holiday. What a wonderful place for the whole family and not very expensive. $18m spent on a centre like this would have been a far better idea than museum. GC
* To moaner about time to wait for digital pics: John does a great job for the thousands of pics he prints in a short promotion.
* Great letter Greg Watts, future thinking that will benefit all of Napier, common sense at last!
* What's with awful new road layout on expressway by airport? All those orange things just make more distractions. Am yet to follow someone actually going 80km/h. Would like to know how long "temporary" means. What a mess! All for rugby world cup tourists I would imagine.