* Maybe some motel owners need to think about noise from early trucks.
* To the pro fracking text: Hope you are OK with carcinogens in our water.
* Giant supermarkets are more unhealthy than McDonalds. They sell alcohol, food for frying. lots of processed white bread, fat laden dairy foods, lots of sugary sweets and chocolate. So why so precious about Maccas?
* NCC: How about some 'Turn into nearest lane' signs at appropriate intersections? This might relieve some congestion. A lot of people don't know roadcode.
* To Chris S, chip every person to prevent crime? Really, are you serious. C'mon mate, imagine it. Police state and all that. Get real. MF
* I was in hospital recently for surgery on my leg to remove metal work. David Lawson does a great job and I sing his praises as he is my orthopaedic surgeon and let's not forget a big thanks to the nurses on ward B3 room 324. Thanks. G. Marshall
* The poor in NZ spend money on booze, drugs, cigarettes and gambling. None left for health - I know.
* 18 out of 30 boys' hockey teams and 50 per cent of girls' high school hockey teams in the 2012 HB Schools leagues are from Havelock and Hastings. Even still many schools in Flaxmere and Hastings have huge potential for growth with the proposed turf at the Regional Sports Park. Well done HDC!
* If your neighbour's dog barks why don't you tell them yourself? Even better tell the dog to shut up. What's wrong with you all when you need to ring the council.
* On Tuesday at 3.30 traffic lights, Carlyle St, Clive Square: Shame on the two school bus drivers, one went through an orange light and the one following went through a red light. You are responsible for the kids on the bus until you drop them off at a bus stop.
* Now that power has gone up yet again I want to know what readers do to save power.
* Re speed camera in Clive by 100k sign. I agree. Some people drive like idiots along that stretch of road!
* Are we about to lose Teletext from our TVs in the near future. Or is it just a rumour. TDK
* Fantastic well organised Fete at Taradale Primary on Sunday, well done! LP
* Mr Key reckons having heaps more gambling machines won't increase problem gamblers. Hello! Why not bring smokes down to a dollar a packet so they become easier to buy? That won't create more smokers according to him. Baza
* Regarding the EIT and training but then needing experience: I as a 17 year old male have been looking for work, however everyone wants the experience. Give us youth a chance. Matt
* Have I missed something or are our local MPs keeping quiet re fracking? Would like to think that they are against it. Maybe they could let us know.
* Re man asking for money to go to Wanganui: He does this all the time. Stay clear! Pat D
* Oh well done TV One.Try and make the Mongrel Mob look like good caring parents. Not!
* Rugby League starts in the Bay on April 21. Come on locals get out there and support your local team!
* Thumbs down to the person who stole my six-year-old son's scooter while at last Sunday's mass.
* I can't believe the number of renters on a benefit who get dogs and cats when they clearly can't afford to feed them, let alone vaccination, worm and de flea them. The animals then go on to breed and breed. The SPCA wouldn't wonder where the unloved flea and worm ridden animals come from . We've seen it time and time again.
* Work bullying at our work is so bad the boss even rings when you are away sick, even with medical.
* The fracking programme was on Sky and will no doubt be on again. Having seen the story I find it unbelievable we are even contemplating allowing this to happen anywhere in the Bay or elsewhere for that matter when you see and hear what it has done to other parts of the world.
* With the Napier council being so big on the Art Deco theme why is the museum rebuild not following the same trend?
* Lifestyle block owners: Beware! Despite the rain and cooler temperatures Flystrike is rampant on sheep with dirty bums. Please check.
* Now that the heavens are continually open isn't it time the grandiose CHB water storage project was rethought.
* Well done to Delwyn McLeod for an absolutely brilliant out of this world show for the edible fashion awards on Saturday night. Congratulations to all the performers and a special mention to Peter Austin, what a stellar performance. Encore!