Rugby on news and Close Up! Why not just on sports news? Give us something different for non rugby lovers. Please.
Amalgamation Amalgamation of our councils is about pooling resources not Hastings, Havelock, Taradale, Clive etc taking over Napier . The twain hath met many years ago old timer. Design hotel A 2 year old could have drawn a more aesthetically designed hotel for HB. What a great chook house!
Great news, hotel at last by wonderful asset the HB Opera House.
A modern hotel next to the Opera House will complete the block and add a nice touch to the city. Nice one Gemco!
The land opposite the old fire station would make a great green space with park benches and a couple of pohutakawa trees.
Other thoughts Napier toilets: Shame the Napier Council has not upgraded and made sure hand cleaner or anti-bacterial hand sanitiser is in public toilets especially with the world cup players and fans in town. MP
How sad to see the new bus shelter at Lee Rd vandalised. An unneccesary cost to ratepayers.
Between Greece and Serepisos it looks like we are all doomed.
I call to the council to ban competitive men's cycling on Middle Road. Appalling behaviour to other road users and cyclist. They ride over the full road both lanes at uncontrollable speeds, will start photographing these cyclists for proof.
To Liz Earth, Maxine Boag, Liz Remerswaal and Bernie Bowden ...we who live here in Hastings all know of the red bedecked losers A.Cavaney was talking about. N
Went to airport recently on a Tuesday night to collect visitors. Thought we would have a coffee while we waited. Wrong. 8:15 coffee shop closed and note on vending machine saying out of order. Great look for visitors to Bay.
Great service HB Today. We live in Poraiti paper not delivered rang up at 5.35pm and 15mins later paper delivered. Thanks.
GP or ED? $72 dollars after hours Sunday v 0 dollars at ED. M R
Re red light runners: Kennedy/Riverbend intersection the worst. NCC, how about some turn into nearest lane signs for all those ignorant of road code?
Just as well Mike Tindall nearest and dearest wasn't livng back in the day or it might well have been "off with his head."
Thanks to the lady who put my dog back onto my ute after she jumped off after we got hit at Stortford Lodge round-a-bout. We have shortened her chain.
Pity Marineland wasn't still up and running. Bet it would have made a killing in takings with Rugby World Cup visitors.
I felt so sorry for the people and kids at the bus depot from Gisborne,Tauranga and Wellington. There was a freezing wind - bitter. Me in my warm car. Do something Napier please. JVM
Government needs to act now and put a tunnel through the Manawatu Gorge. Charge a toll to go through it would pay for its self and put men in work. Most people would be happy to pay a toll to be safe. Government need to get moving on this.
The frontline staff at the Hawke's Bay Hospital all do a great job, especially the porters and green ladies, who aren't often noticed but keep the ball rolling.
Agree with Sue HB Today, September 17. We are Napier RD as well. Had to ring re a stray dog so rung Napier as closest but was told to phone Hastings who sent animal control from there. It turned out dog lived just round corner! Also had a phone survey recently on behalf of Napier City Council but when it got to questions about rates I said I couldn't answer as don't pay rates to NCC but even after I had spelt my road name the survey taker assured me that on the map she had I was definitely NCC! Have I missed the change?
It's very sad seeing the rooks nest poisoned. They may be a nuisance but sad all the same.