* You just have to congratulate Andy Wheeler on the young can be so very green. It's just so true! Jenny
* Well said Andy Wheeler. No green in my day either.
Hastings CBD
* No wonder people don't go to Hastings cinema. Low lives hanging around are intimidating. Nobody wants to take kids into that. The scumbags win again. Centre needs a clean up.
* What's up with some of our youth hanging around Hastings CBD behaving like idiots? NZ police need to adopt a 'move on order' similar to that of their Aussie counterparts. SE
* When is Hasting's District Council, Police and the Retailer's Assoc. going to clean up Hastings CBD to make it safer for visitors and locals alike. Too many undesirables hang out and intimidate folk here - day or night in the middle of Hastings. Working in town for a few years it is glaringly obvious that the reason for this is the distinct lack of a Police presence on the ground. The Police kiosk seems to be used by elderly female volunteers who deal with domestics or other fracas on a regular basis. It's no wonder this part of town looks like a shabby old ghost town. I for one avoid going there and I see more businesses have closed down or relocated. Napier is much nicer to shop in or visit cafes and movies etc. how long before Hastings reverts to the swamp it once was And HDC thinks Hastings is the big brother in this region. Yeah right - what a great Tui billboard that would make. MH
* Recipe for bread cases with 'irons': 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 1 cup milk + water, pinch of salt, 1 lb lard. Beat the egg well and mix in flour, salt and milk and water gradually, mix until consistency is that of thick batter. Heat lard. Once hot, dip iron into batter/bread case mixture and then into hot lard. This recipe makes fantastic crisp bread cases. I haven't used the recipe in over 40 years, so it brought back some wonderful memories. Hope this helps.
Other thoughts
* Re NZ Govt and the Maori Party: What about New Zealanders, all New Zealanders? When is this country being held to ransom going to end? Between asset sales, treaty claims (which never end or are ever enough) and NZ businesses closing down or being taken over by big Australian companies, and then add rising unemployment, this country is dying. If we do not start working together for all our futures what future do we have?
* Nicol, your letter re dogs at Napier cemetery. The dogs won't hurt the dead. They just walk around. The dead are likely happy to have dogs there. You talk about respect. What is disrespectful of dog and the dead spirit walking together. Look after your baby and leave dogs and dead alone. No I am not one of the dog owners. BJR
* Re: lets get drilling (30/01/12). Mr Carter you are so correct, we should be extracting these resources, the sooner the better. I am not racist but I don't want to see NZ owned and ruled over by overseas investors. We can make our own money by selling the resources. To the greenies - who's paying your wages? The tax payers like the mining companies who pay huge amounts of taxes to keep u on the dole.
* Reply to "I was a bit over": Are you kidding me? You are trying to have a go about police not wearing seatbelt when you were drinking and driving and could have killed someone. A little bit over is far too much. Grow up and face the consequences. DH
* Sunday, two cruise ships in. Chaos traffic problems up Bluff Hill lookout for viewing. Where were traffic officers?
* How long before Wilson Road is allowed to deteriorate like Oak Ave? Judi
* Re death penalty for serious crime: Why should the families of victims be paying tax money to keep murderers.etc alive at $70,000 per prisoner per year?
* Why don't the Auckland/Wellington councils turn the sprinkler on the occupying campers?
* A report in the news stated that local councils in NZ are making it more unaffordable to live in our cities - after listening to Mayor Yule at a rates meeting in Havlock North I can understand why.
* What a mess Hastings lawn Cemetery is in, i.e the edges, well overdue for a cutting. AN.