* Wonderful to see so many families out on the cycle paths. Disappointed with NZTA re old bridge. It should have a speed restriction and no passing cyclists with oncoming traffic. It's only 15 seconds delay.
* Re white fly. Target will do the job for you.
* Kim dot com...take him down. China buying farms...shut them down. Dogs attacking people...put them down!
* People who believe they need to hit/smack their children in order to discipline them and teach them to be responsible citizens need to take parenting classes!
* If you are taking your dog into the White St carpark to poo please know that I have to clean it up. MS Shame on greedy people taking sack full of undersize paua from Blackhead Beach last Saturday and going back to camping ground to barbecue their delicacy. No one around to check and they were skiting about their haul. As for foreshore ownership Ocean Beach a prime example of things to come. I was very proud to be a Kiwi, but not so sure now.