Other thoughts
* Interesting Wyn Drabble article on Chinese. He should follow up by doing an article on the legalised discrimination against early Chinese immigrants, each paying £100 Poll Tax. No other nationality immigrant to NZ history ever paid that tax.
* I'm sorry to read that our editor is to leave, he will be much missed by all readers. Best wishes to him and his family. Anne.
* With the price of milk coming down does that mean ice cream, flat whites,etc will come down in price too? K.A. Napier
* Just adding to Mr Moroney's write up on the possibility that Mr and Mrs NZ Taxpayer will pay for NZ America's Cup Challenge. I would be happier to see that money go towards our Plunket nurse and the families in need. That would be money well spent. Steve Ruru, Flaxmere.
* To FMJ about the scumbags walking the street: You are going to have to refer to their parents and the stuffed up Government system.
* The benefit of fluoride in our drinking water is to strengthen our teeth. I have benefited greatly from this by still having my own teeth at age 71 years. My dentist assures me they're definitely here to stay.
* High winds and silver birch trees... Aargh! Why do we plant annoying imported tree's? Royt
* I hate cruelty to animals but can understand the anger that could drive a keen gardener to act badly towards neighbouring cats. Keep your cats at home at night. Who is responsible for fixing the road where it crosses the railway in Kennedy Rd? Nearly tore my diff off and I was going slow!
* Why do Hastings scum dump their rubbish in the Cornwall Park carpark when the bins are right there? I feel sorry for the poor council guy at 6am picking it all up. Lazy, disgusting low-lifes!
* No more shopping in Heretaunga Street. Too many carparks used by other things sticking out. Are planners crazy?
* Freezing plastic water bottles is a big no no due to toxic chemicals in the plastic forced to release when unfrozen.
* Please take more care coming out of Taupo turnoff heading toward Napier,especially trucks. Twice in two days I've had to brake and swerve to avoid an accident. JHW
* Warm thanks for your coverage of Optiworlds. Mighty!
* If Havelock North allows Macdonald's be prepared for pigs to drop their rubbish.
* Please don't suggest these jet skiers should be on Clive river. They do not follow the rules about direction or speed around other craft. They want to jump off the boat wakes and come dangerously close if the skiers on the boat falls. To be safe on the Clive users need to follow the rules and zig zaging up the wrong way is an accident waiting to happen.
* Went to Christchurch for Xmas with my wife. Had a turn and was advised to return to Napier to my GP. Rang Air NZ, seats available at $436 and they would resell the seats I returned. Silly me I thought Ned Kelly was dead.
* I see the the excuses have started for low life Turangi child rapist. Not another slap across the wrist when it comes to sentence I hope.KB
* Re what's wrong with our country: Yes totally agree with "bring the death penalty back in". Too many murders, especially on women and children. Give them a taste of what their victims go through.
* Searle Travel are taking a coach to Jersey Boys in April.