New phonebook
* Regarding the new phonebook. I am 74 years old. I read Hawke's Bay Today and see the new phonebook and don't wear specs to read them. Best if you moaners get your eyes tested.
* As the size of print in the new phonebook is so small and hard to read, I guess that means all information from calls to the 018 directory service for info is given out free of charge.
* Telecom does not do the phonebooks any more, so don't blame it for the downsize.
* To all the whingers out there bleating that the phonebook is too small and they can't read it, harden up a little. To the person who cant read it, even with your glasses on, ask for a refund on your glasses. I think the book is great. Cheers.
* Annoyed by the smaller phonebook? Call Yellow on 0800 803 803 and ask for a free magnifier.