Te Reo Māori is a birth right and as a taonga is guaranteed under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is one of a range of initiatives aimed at supporting the retention and growth of te reo Māori. Mahuru Māori is another.
Mahuru Māori is a month-long reo Māori challenge established by Paraone Gloyne of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. The challenge begins on Friday, September 15 to coincide with the beginning of the lunar month, Mahuru. In the Māori lunar calendar, Mahuru is referred to as a period of ‘regrowth, rebirth, and renewal’, so tap into the celestial energies available to us at this time to set and achieve your reo Māori goals.
The principle underpinning Mahuru Māori is Te Reo Māori: Me Kite, Me Rongo, Me Kōrero, Te Reo Māori Should be Seen, Heard and Spoken. Mahuru Māori is an opportunity to increase your knowledge and understanding of te reo Māori, one of three official languages of New Zealand.
So, form a group with other like-minded people (whānau, friends or colleagues) to grow your knowledge and importantly, your use of te reo Māori in your daily lives. As a group, think about your goals: ‘what is our current level of te reo Māori’, ‘what do we want to achieve in relation to our current levels of te reo Māori’, ‘what constitutes success for our group’, ‘what will our plan of action be’ and last but not least, ‘what resources are available to us to achieve our goals’.