More than a third of ground investigations along the road alignment for the Manawatū Tararua Highway project has been completed, the NZ Transport Agency says.
The proposed new route will connect the Manawatū, Tararua District, Hawke's Bay and northern Wairarapa, replacing the closed State Highway 3 Manawatū Gorge route.
"This is important work to understand the properties of the soil and rock to determine the most appropriate methods for the cuts and fills needed to construct the highway.
"Three geotechnical rigs are operating, drilling boreholes ranging from 10 to 70 metres deep. More than 500m of vertical drilling has been completed to date, along with 43 test pits to a depth of up to 4m. The test pits assess the near-surface materials to determine what can be re-used or removed during construction."