Horizons Regional Council and its road safety partners Plunket and NZ Police are grateful to Tararua Alliance who have donated 10 booster seats in a bid to give back to the local community.
Horizons' road safety coordinator Debbie Webster is thrilled Tararua Alliance have been able to sponsor the 10 booster seats, provided by child restraint specialists Little Buds.
"These booster seats will be donated to families on a case-by-case basis where we can see they need a helping hand," says Ms Webster.
"There are many whānau out there trying their best to do the right thing, but unfortunately we're seeing more and more situations where both parents are working but the cost of living has increased so much, they're unable to afford items such as booster seats.
"To have Tararua Alliance come on board and sponsor the full cost of these seats is phenomenal. Ten families will be truly impacted by their donation to give back to the Tararua community, helping to keep them safe.