Tamatea High School Kāhui Mātauranga members (from left) Johanna Wilson (Tangoio), Tīpene Cottrell (Wharerangi) and Hinewai Ormsby (Waiohiki).
Honouring the Treaty of Waitangi has been a topical issue for decades. The Government is challenging schools and other government entities to do a better job. Tamatea High School has created a new strategic group to give the school advice and support with Māori student achievement, realising Te Tīriti o Waitangi partner obligations and developing their local curriculum, says principal Robin Fabish.
The group comprises hapū members Johanna Wilson, Tīpene Cottrell and Hinewai Ormsby. The three of them have connections to the marae at Tangoio, Wharerangi and Waiohiki and have been invited to be a part of the group because of their background in education.
"I am thrilled to have the support and guidance of local hapū members who understand the education system. We're also keen to invite whānau from Petāne marae to join our kāhui so that we have input from the seven local hapū."