"I felt we needed to give more to members. We really do have a cross-section range within our region for membership and what we offer. I want to offer a really nice venue members can feel proud to be at and have lots of resources, a well thought about set-up for all ages joining us, including our very own gym inside with near brand new gym equipment."
Through the organisation's branch in Feilding, Ben says he came across Jeremy from Able Axcess who wanted to sponsor the labour and material for the building inside the new venue.
"I was so amazed and cannot say enough thanks and appreciation. To my amazement they had a trade account with Bunnings so it helped them to support us."
Ben says in return, the sponsor's logo has been added to their website www.specialneedstaekwondo.nz as official partner.
"I will also get patches made of their logo for each taekwon-do uniform. We will continue to spread the word and publicity, as they deserve the recognition and support from the public."
The new venue will also be more visible to the public, with signage added to the outside of the building.
"It looks amazing and highly professional. It was done by Sign It Up in Napier, who gave us a good price in support of the work we do," Ben says.
NZITF is now a national organisation, with instructors also in Hamilton and Manawatu. In Hawke's Bay, it is associated with the International Taekwon-Do Federation in Austria, with local members coming from Tamatea, Napier, Taradale, Flaxmere, Hastings and Havelock North. Among them are mainstream junior world champions in sparring, power breaking and special technique.
"We also have Special Needs Taekwon-Do junior and adult world champions, with our country as a whole having never lost a world championships — we've been overall best since 2016 in England, 2018 in Argentina and 2019 in New Zealand," says Ben, himself a double silver power breaking adult world medallist.
During lockdown, training continued most days for a handful of students online, and for the first time the organisation will be holding the Special Needs Taekwon-do World Championships online in November this year.
"The Special Needs Taekwon-do International has partnered with software developer IScore to enable this to happen."
With Ben also teaching taekwon-do at an early childhood centre, he says hosting children's parties and providing self-defence classes at the new venue are a possibility in the future.
"I am unsure how this would go, but the children love the training, so their parents might like to give it a go. I'd definitely be able to provide free self-defence for the women in our community as I always feel they need more empowerment. There are many possibilities to host as we have the space."
■ For more information or to contact Ben visit the website or phone 027 857 3045.