When Lizz Jenkins ran her successful Sustainability Expo in Ormondville in November 2020, she had such a great response she decided to repeat the exercise on July 24 with even more stalls.
The Ormondville Peace Memorial Hall and surrounds hosted nearly 20 stalls covering such topics as recycling books, recovering reusable waste, creating alternatives to plastics, giving items past their use-by date a new life, protecting your home and possessions from fire, making items from clay, concrete, bone and recycled wood and creating your own fibres and clothing.
While Lizz works for the TDC as its committee secretary, democracy team, this expo was all her own doing, organised with the help of good friends and financed by herself. The expo had free entry for stall-holders and visitors and the crowd definitely exceeded last year's 200.

This year both CHB and TDC councils were present to promote the 4 Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, and there were many stallholders demonstrating how to do this.