"There is a lot to celebrate," Nicky says.
Late last year NZEI signed a collective agreement that means all support staff are now paid at least the living wage, and now teacher aides are in the process of considering an historic pay equity settlement. That settlement will pave the way for pay equity for other support staff too.
"This has been a long time coming and is much overdue. It is great that support staff are being recognised for the vital role they play in schools and paid what they are worth. There is still a long way to go so that all support staff are paid equitably but this is a positive start."
Over the week, support staff were treated with gifts and acts of kindness by anonymous staff members. Students were also encouraged to show their gratitude by being given a "Random Acts of Kindness" challenge as part of the Restorative Practice focus.
"Especially after Covid-19, it is important to stop and appreciate those around us. It is necessary to show the special people in our lives just how much they mean to us by performing some acts of kindness."
Nicky says it is about giving more attention to the relationships in our lives and giving from the heart.
"A simple 'hello', a smile or opening the door for someone are ways to show kindness."
Support staff include many teams at Tamatea High School. The administration team keeps the school running smoothly and deals with a multitude of tasks and responsibilities on any given day.
"They keep the school finances in check and communicate with the school community about the wonderful learning that occurs at the kura."
The pastoral team provides valuable support to students and whānau, aiding in their emotional and social wellbeing. Guidance counsellor Wendy Isakson says she loves working within such a caring and proactive team.
"We meet weekly to discuss students and their needs and we act immediately. Our priority is the wellbeing of our students."
The learning assistants support students in the classrooms, so they are more able to access the curriculum and achieve success at their own level of learning.
The science technician ensures that students have the right equipment and chemicals for exciting activities and experiments.
The new library manager is promoting literacy and the love of books and reading across the school.
"Our canteen manager provides healthy and nutritious food daily and supports the future career pathways of some students who work with her in the canteen. Our cleaning staff make certain that safe and hygienic measures are followed. Pam does a stunning job looking after the staffroom, keeping it clean and tidy.
"The school is looking amazing."
Nicky says ground staff, Pete the caretaker and Ian the painter, do a fantastic job of maintaining the school.
"We have recently changed the colour scheme to reflect our modern and forward-thinking school. Ian is working his way around the buildings and is doing a fabulous job. As for Pete, he clocks up a lot of steps as he works tirelessly to keep the school looking great.
"Our school values of PRIDE are easy to uphold when our school looks so good."