Peter James Maui Whiu,14, being supported by his proud nan Joanne Whiu, as trainer Andrew-Dean Kupa-Caudwell looks on. Photo / Paul Taylor
Peter James Maui Whiu,14, being supported by his proud nan Joanne Whiu, as trainer Andrew-Dean Kupa-Caudwell looks on. Photo / Paul Taylor
Fourteen-year-old Peter James Maui Whiu just wants to be the one who looks after his big family, but during a rocky period of his young life it didn't look likely.
But Peter, who lives with nine others at his family home in Hastings, is now a prime example of justhow a break from mainstream schooling can help youth going down a troubled path.
Peter spent 75 per cent of a school term this year at Akina Activity Centre because he had been "a bit mischievous" in mainstream school.
Akina is one of 14 centres in New Zealand catering for secondary school students (Years 9-13) who are at risk of disengaging from mainstream schooling and at risk of low educational, social and vocational outcomes.
His "graduation", which means he will transition back to schooling at Hastings Boys' High School in 2020, was an emotional one.
"I am really, really pleased. Not very many students get back to mainstream school," Trollope said.
"Akina is regarded as a last chance for people disengaging. We are proud of any student we can get back to mainstream school."
Trollope said the centre works with a small number of students on their social skills, anger management and academic skills.
Trollope said Peter had done "really well" despite a shaky start.
"He took a little while to settle down. It was hard at the start for him and his teachers.
"Then he came to the realisation that it was down to him to make good choices."
Andrew-Dean Kupa-Caudwell wants to open a gym as a business to help "at-risk" youth. Photo / Paul Taylor
Activity centres provide a specialised learning programme that lead to increased attendance, engagement and achievement at school, social outcomes and successful transition rates.
"I met Andrew lifting weights. He taught me not to give up, and keep going and push past the pain.
"He got me into the thing I love the most - training. He helped me change my habits and my thinking."
Peter said his attitude had changed and he'd become more respectful.
Kupa-Caudwell said Peter had trouble in mainstream school but since he joined the training academy, the skills he learned helped him graduate from Akina Activity Centre.
"He trains hard and has awesome goals for the future and wants to look after his family and hopes they have the best life possible."
Trollope said the influence of Kupa-Caudwell helped Whiu as well.
"What Andy is doing is really helping him as well. It's stopping him from getting into trouble."
What is Akina Activity Centre
A key component for Akina Activity Centre students is to successfully transition back into the enrolling school, or move on to further education or employment.
Hastings Boys' High School is the managing school for this activity centre and receives funding to resource it.
The school Board of Trustees holds governance responsibility and for providing high quality educational services, in a physically and emotionally safe learning environment.