Totara College school leaders, from left, Piper Carnie, Logan Strydom, Josiah Max and Charlotte Patu.
Photo / Supplied
Totara College school leaders, from left, Piper Carnie, Logan Strydom, Josiah Max and Charlotte Patu.
Photo / Supplied
Totara College school leaders and Dannevirke High School head pupils are settling into their roles as the first term closes in on the school holidays.
Totara College has announced its chosen four school leaders this year and judging by their calibre, Totara students are in good hands for 2021, according to principal Jonny Max.
Logan Strydom (Year 13) is the main Student Leader but has three up and coming Year12 deputies in Charlotte Patu, Piper Carnie and Josiah Max.
Logan was again voted in as the Totara College Board Representative this year, having done an excellent job last year.
"Logan is a caring, vivacious young lady who loves music and has a beautiful singing voice. As such, Logan will be one of the leads in Totara College's production of Seussical the Musical Jr which takes place later in the year," said Max.
Logan plans to attend Auckland University in 2022 to study law.
Charlotte Patu is a champion for Te Reo Maori at Totara College having won its Te Tohu Taikākā Trophy last year which is a recognition for excellence in all things Maori.
"Charlotte's leadership abilities have shone through in several ways. Towards the beginning of last year, she arranged for the boys to practice the haka to keep it fresh in their minds.
"Then last year, the Education Review Office (ERO) came to assess our school and Charlotte was a part of the karanga to welcome them to Totara College when they arrived. She is also happy to lead a waiata when the occasion warrants it."
Max said Piper Carnie is a vibrant member of Totara College's high school and has high ambitions of becoming a clinical psychologist.
She is working towards attending Massey University to complete a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Communications and Ethics.
Josiah Max has been a Graduate Instructor at Cactus for the past three years having attended as a student in 2018 and, according to Cactus leader Senior Constable Wayne Churchouse, is doing an excellent job.
He is also a member of the Dannevirke senior football team The Rangers who made it through to the final in their division last year.
Josiah also enjoys singing and, along with Logan, has a lead part in Seussical the Musical Jr.
The leadership strengths of Logan, Charlotte, Piper and Josiah complement each other.
"I'm sure they will make a great team to lead the students through this coming year of 2021. They will be fine representatives as they perform their duties within the school and the wider community of Dannevirke," said Max.
In the meantime the school's focus is on Saturday's 26th Dannevirke Garden, Craft and Food Expo.
The expo is a huge fundraiser for the school and attracts stallholders from a wide area from Hawke's Bay to Wairarapa and around 1000 visitors.
The event raises around $8000, which is used to fund capital projects it couldn't otherwise undertake. The college's current projects are to replace some shade cloth and to build a covered walkway to the hall.
The theme for this year's expo is Over the Rainbow - the Wizard of Oz and there will be special competitions to reflect that theme.
Dannevirke High School head girl Hinerangi Nikora and head boy Wil Smyth.
The Dannevirke High School head pupils had to undergo an exacting selection process which involved a leadership camp early last month in Pohangina Valley, speeches in assembly, interviews with the senior leadership team and a senior school student vote for the head students.
Dannevirke High School deputy head girl Renee Cammock and deputy head boy Jet Jeffery.
Head girl is Hinerangi Nikora and head boy is Wil Smyth, deputy head girl is Renee Cammock and deputy head boy is Jet Jeffery.
Prefects are Wil Smyth, Hinerangi Nikora, Jet Jeffery, Renee Cammock, Hunter August, Riley Flanagan, Aleksis Hancock, Rebekah Irwin, Tylar Johnston, Samuel Smith and Bryce Spain.
House captains and deputies are: Grant House Cameron Walker (captain), Dylan Brown (deputy); MacDonald House, Chiane Tukaki (captain), Ngaio Wilson-Munday (deputy); Paulsen House, Zoe Shuker (captain), Tamati Rautahi (deputy); Simmers House, Sophie Meek (captain), Dylan Veale (deputy).