Cows: (vic) Waipunga Ltd, Kaiwaka, 19 4/8yr ang-here, av weight, 556kg, 262c/kg, $1460/head; Glenview Farming, Tangoio, 10 m/a ang, av weight, 509kg, 216c/kg, $1100/head.
Steers: R3, Waiotia Station, Patoka, 25 ang, av weight, 550kg, 285c/kg, $1570/head; J Emmerson, Maraetotara, 23 ang, av weight, 483kg, 290c/kg, $1405/head; 18 ang, av weight, 447kg, 301c/kg, $1350/head; G Hill, Richmond Rd, five here-fries, av weight, 575kg, 269c/kg, $1550/head; Evans Family Trust, Dartmoor, eight ang, av weight, 559kg, 287c/kg, $1605/head. R2, C and J Lee, Kaiwaka, 24 ang, av weight, 418kg, 318c/kg, $1335/head; Te Whana Farm, Kereru, 45 ang, av weight, 514kg, 294c/kg, $1515/head; 13 ang-here, av weight, 501kg, 293c/kg, $1470/head; 17 ang, av weight, 458kg, 310c/kg, $1425/head; J Emmerson, Maraetotara, 27 ang, av weight, 438kg, 309c/kg, $1355/head; 20 ang, av weight, 391kg, 323c/kg, $1265/head; 13 ang-here, av weight, 430kg, 309c/kg, $1330/head; seven ang-here, av weight, 410kg, 297c/kg, $1200/head; Mangakuri Station, Elsthorpe, 34 ang, av weight, 391kg, 319c/kg, $1250/head; 12 ang, av weight, 377kg, 317c/kg, $1200/head; Est A M MacKay, Waikare, 32 ang, av weight, 436kg, 311c/kg, $1360/head; five here-cross, av weight, 490kg, 258c/kg, $1265/head; Bayview Station, Eskdale, 25 ang, av weight, 344kg, 319c/kg, $1100/head; eight ang, av weight, 319kg, 327c/kg, $1045/head; Smithsix Farming, Wairoa, 381c/kg, $1165/head; A Newton, Wairoa, 11 here-fries, av weight, 312kg, 328c/kg, $1025/head; P J Distributors, Whakapirau, 10 ang, av weight, 403kg, 320c/kg, $1290/head; M Walmsley, Bridge Pa, eight here-cross, av weight, 471kg, 280c/kg, $1320/head; M Langley, Taupo, 11 ang, av weight, 373kg, 314c/kg, $1170/head; T Boogard, Waimarama, five ang, av weight, 562kg, 259c/kg, $1460/head; Wnr, Highgrove Farm, Eskdale, 21 charo-cross, av weight, 237kg, 378c/kg, $900/head; 40 ang, av weight, 251kg, 373c/kg, $940/head; 32 ang and ang-here, av weight, 233kg, 381c/kg, $865/head; 17 ang, av weight, 186kg, 420c/kg, $785/head; Matthews Family Trust, Kopaki Bay, 13 here-fries, av weight, 222kg, 432c/kg, $960/head.
Heifers: J Boon, Te Pohue, six R3 here-fries, av weight, 511kg, 257c/kg, $1315/head. R2, Mangakuri Station, Kairakau, 40 ang and ang-here, av weight, 402kg, 274c/kg, $1105/head; Smedley Station, Tikokino, 21 ang, av weight, 435kg, 291c/kg, $1270/head; Waikare Station, Waimarama, 22 here-fries, av weight, 341kg, 294c/kg, $1005/head; 20 ang, av weight, 337kg, 300c/kg, $1015/head; Glendowie Farm, Patoka, 24 ang, av weight, 386kg, 275c/kg, $1065/head; 12 here-cross, av weight, 340kg, 299c/kg, $1020/head; Dollar Downs, Poukawa, 26 ang, av weight, 274c/kg, $1125/head; Rotokare, Korokipo, 21 here-fries, av weight, 386c/kg, $1020/head; 12 here-fries, av weight, 366kg, 277c/kg, $1015/head; Rapaki Farming, Farm Rd, 16 ang, av weight, 340kg, 299c/kg, $1020/head; seven ang, av weight, 395kg, 281c/kg, $1115/head; Okaharau Station, Elsthorpe, nine sth dev, av weight, 391kg, 298c/kg, $1170/head; Ka Nim Wa Trust, Poukawa, nine ang-here, av weight, 415kg, 265c/kg, $1105/head; Bayview Station, Eskdale, 13 ang, av weight, 302kg, 297c/kg, $900/head; Glenview Farming, Tangoio, nine ang, av weight, 345kg, 292c/kg, $1010/head; J Dib, Turamoe, seven here-cross, av weight, 415kg, 245c/kg, $1020/head; Chellma Ltd, Sherenden, seven fries, av weight, 327kg, 220c/kg, $720/head; Matthews Family Trust, Kopaki Bay, eight here-fries, av weight, 217kg, 354c/kg, $770/head; N MacDonald, Middle Rd, five ang-cross, av weight, 218kg, 195c/kg, $425/head.
Ewes: Waiwhenua, River Rd, 33 2/4th, rwr, $140; Roundhill P/ship, Tutira, 40 2th, $110.
Lambs: C and J Lee, Waipunga, 215 male, $123.50; Glenview Farming, Tangoio, 171 c/o, $120.50; 178 ewe, $110; 77 c/o, $113.50; 73 ewe, $98.50; Inangatahi, Puketitiri, 223 male, $128; 146 male, $111.50; 48 male, $104.50; Glengyle Station, Weber, 160 male, $110/head; 258 male, $97; 125 ewe b/f, $97.50; 69 ewe b/f, $91.50; 54 c/o, $80; D Koster, Taupo, 309 male, $131.70; 166 ewe b/f, $125.50; 101 male, $127.50; 64 ewe, $109; G and J McLennan, Oueroa, 178 male b/f, $123; 256 ewe, $115.50; 130 male, $123; 59 wether, $120; 90 ewe b/f, $119.50; Colbrae Ltd, Ashley Clinton, 164 c/o, $115; 29 ewe b/f, $119.50; 175 ewe b/f, $107; 66 c/o b/f, $130.50; 124 c/o, $117; Omakere Station, Omakere, 400 wether, $121; Pinoaks Ltd, Wilder Rd, 258 ewe, $111.50; Riverview Farm, Dannevirke, 228 ewe, $107; 101 ewe, $93; 36 c/o, $121; Te Wairere, Puketitiri, 141 ram, $127; 65 ewe, $97; 37 ram, $108; Sentry Hill, Makaretu, 141 m/s b/f, $129; Roundhill P/ship, Tutira, 140 ewe, $126.50; Riverslea Station, Frasertown, 141 ewe b/f, $117.50; 68 ram b/f, $121; M Halliwell Trust, Patoka, 59 ram, $131; Kairongoa, Elsthorpe, 51 male, $120; 42 ewe, $114.50; 48 male, $112; 44 ewe, $110.50; Kentucky Farming, Waihau, 60 ewe, $116; Earnmore farm, Te Awa Rd, 58 ewe, $114.20; Bayview Station, Eskdale, 89 m/s, $119; 101 m/s, $109; Providence Farming, Sherenden, 49 ewe, $115.50; 52 ewe b/f, $100; Elliffe Bros, Patoka, 40 ewe, $120.50; 28 male b/f, $120; Okaharau Station, Elsthorpe, 44 m/s b/f, $115; Temco Ag, Tikokino, 23 ram, $122; 23 ewe, $115.
Prime sale
A yarding of 79 cattle sold on a solid market at Monday's prime sale.
Most of the offering was cull cows which sold up to $2.11/kg. In sheep pens a small yarding of mostly medium ewes sold very well to good competition.
A feature of the lamb offering of 190 head was the good quality of all of them. Quality has been variable in the last few weeks but Monday's offering was the best this year.
Cows: (Ang, sth dev, charo-cross, simm-cross, ang-here), Av weight, 480kg to 661kg, 202c/kg to 211.5c/kg, $988/head to $1388/head.
Heifers: (Ang) Av weight, 480kg to 555kg, 260c/kg to 268c/kg, $1248/head to 1393/head.
Oxen: (Sth dev, ang-here) Av weight, 525kg to 810kg, 271c/kg to 275c/kg, $1476/head to $2195/head.
Bull: (Sth dev) Weight, 933kg, 213v/kg, $1991/head.
Ewes: Slipe, heavy, $150.50; good, $130 to $147; med, $120 to $129; light, $96 to $111. Woolly, good, $138; shorn, med, $110.
Lambs: Male, $124 to $176.50; b/f, $160; ewe, $144, $158.50; b/f, $150; m/s, $167.59; b/f, $142 to $160.