They are least 20 per cent less than usual as the long drought reduced fertility. This could have an effect on next year's lamb crop.
There were about 220 cattle on offer, many of them also showing signs of the lack of feed.
They sold on a par with other weeks.
Steers: R3, The Gorges, Te Pohue, 33 ang, av weight, 481kg, 281c/kg, $1355/head. R2, Maungataniwha Station, Putere, 23 sth dev-cross, av weight, 348kg 264c/kg, $920/head; 19 the same, av weight, 318kg, 256c/kg, $815/head; 20 the same, av weight, 313kg, 241c/kg, $755/head; 24 the same, av weight, 299kg, 240c/kg, $720/head; The Gorges, Te Pohue, 18 ang, av weight, 470kg, 284c/kg, $1340/head; Bluff Farm, Chatham Island, 15 here-cross, av weight, 278kg, 208c/kg, $580/head; R1, Groombridge Contracting, five ang, av weight, 252kg, 273c/kg, $690/head; Fair Shear Contracting, Station Rd, five ang, av weight, 287kg, 271c/kg, $780/head; D and A Winchester, Waipawa, seven fries, av weight, 187kg, 223c/kg, $420/head.
Heifers: W and L Simpson, Pakowhai, five R3 here-fries, av weight, 441kg, 238c/kg, $1050/head; J Philips, Kahuranaki, six R2 here-fries, av weight, 246kg, 194c/kg, $480/head.
Ewes: (Sil) Rangiora Farming Trust, Tutira, 51 2th, $102; 226 m/a, $161; 69 m/a, $105; Rangitoto Farm, Takapau, 143 3-5yr $132; J McKay, Tikokino, 157 5yr, $80; Glen Glen, Patoka, 101 m/a, rwr, $146; Earnmore Farm, Te Awa Rd, 66 m/a, $182; K Foote, Tuai, 84 5yr, $156; A Tuuta, Chatham Island, 111 m/a, $137; 49 m/a , rwr, $124; C Radford, Akitio, 64 m/a, $95; Lockwood, Otamauri, 129 2th, $82; 185 m/a, $100; 59 m/a, $68; Ardfert P/ship, Omakere, 125 5yr, $121; 123 m/a, $123; O'Grady Farming, Kotemaori, 25 5yr, $151.
Lambs: Lagoon Farm, Ahuriri, 156 c/o, $161; 286 c/o, $157; 146 c/o, $149; 160 c/o, $142; 205 c/o, $134.50; 134 c/o, $127.50; Ngahiri Farming P/ship, Kotemaori, 200 weth, $122.50; 54 weth, $106; Waikare Station, Waimarama, 260 c/o, $119.50; 195 c/o, $114; 291 b/f ewe, $109; Western Hills, Dartmoor, 116 male, $117; Ngahere Station, Omakere, 225 weth, $113; 225 weth, $113; 39 m/s, $93.50; Nicholls and Bayliss P/ship, Kotemaori, 219 male, $112; 73 male, $107; 339 ewe, $112.50; 86 ewe, $102.50; Papuni Station, Wairoa, 70 c/o, $117.50; 88 ewe, $114; 92 ewe, $103.50; 90 c/o, $109; Otanepae Station, Taupo, 86 c/o, $116; 175 ewe, $105; 186 ewe, $110.50; 231 ewe, $114.50; 110 b/f ewe, $122.50; 65 c/o, $113; 52 c/o, $97; 119 ewe, $92.50; Blackwill Ltd, Ohuka, 118 ram, $117; 106 ewe, $110; G and E Cameron, 425 m/s, $136; 69 b/f/ m/s, $124; Hobson Farming, Flemington, 368 m/s, $115.50; Chisholm and Tuanui, Chatham Island, 164 weth, $117; Ohinemana, Chatham Island, 232 weth, $111; 65 weth, $103; R Holmes, Chatham Island, 67 weth, $116; 102 ewe, $117.50; Ardfert P/ship, 247 c/o, $103; Arawood, Cricklewood, 170 ewe, $111; Tyrone Farm, Blackburn Ridge , 107 ewe, $98.50; Halliwell Trust, Patoka, 64 ewe, $112; 40 male, $107.50; Glenbourne Ltd, Porangahau, 70 ewe, $93.50; Sherwood Properties, Sherenden, 70 ewe, $98; 77 ewe, $91; 48 ewe, $83; O Edgecombe, Tourere Rd, 70 ewe, $88; 28 male, $86; The Gorges, Te Pohue, 52 ewe, $118; 23 male, $118; J Olsen, Taupo, 70 ewe, $81.50; 49 c/o, $98; Canning Est, Porangahau, 86 ewe, $103; 50 weth, $101; Inangatahi P/ship, Puketitiri, 33 m/s, $92; T and J Loye, Porangahau, 44 ram, $107; Ngawa Farm, Wanstead, 35 male, $105; J and N Beeby, Crownthorpe, 44 ram, $105.
Both ewe and lamb prices eased at Monday's sale.
The ewes were showing the effects of the prolonged drought and sold accordingly.
The best of the lambs sold very well while the rest sold on a par with other weeks.
There were about 600 ewes and 230 lambs on offer. There were no cattle.
Ewes: Slipe, good, $129 to $140.40; med, $19.50 to $120; light, $45 to $102; woolly, med, $104, $107.50; light, $72; shorn, good, $140. Woolly wethers, $180. Lambs: Male, $85 to $169.50; b/f, $170.50 to $180; ewe, $$81; b/f, $110, $143; m/s, $133.50 to $155.50; b/f, $142.50.