Buyers were from Hawke's Bay, Waikato, Manawatu and Bay of Plenty.
Cows: Rocky Glen Farm, Maraetotara, five here-cross, empty, av weight, 472kg, 218c/kg, $1030/head; Maraetara Farming, Seafield, 16 R3/4yr ang, vic, av weight, 414kg, 235c/kg, $975/head.
Steers: R3, Rocky Glen Farm, Maraetotara, nine here-cross, av weight, 434kg, 245c/kg, $1065/head; five R2 and R3 here-cross, av weight, 380kg, 234c/kg, $890/head. R2, M and L Whittle, Puketitiri, 12 ang, av weight, 367kg, 225c/kg, $827/head; Highgrove, Eskdale, 16 charo-cross, av weight, 385kg, 233c/kg, $900/head; Caithness, Sherenden, five ang, av weight, 266kg, 205c/kg, $547/head; Whakamarumaru Station, Crownthorpe, 15 ang and ang-here, av weight, 172kg, 296c/kg, $510/head. R1, Z Scott, Tutira, 12 here-fries, av weight, 167kg, 316c/kg, $530/head; 17 here, av weight, 173kg, 309c/kg, $535/head; seven here-fries, av weight, 145kg, 319c/kg, $465/head; five here-fries, av weight, 170kg, 282c/kg, $480/head; seven here-cross, av weight, 123kg 250c/kg, $310/head; M and L Whittle, Puketitiri, 37 ang, av weight, 219kg, 327c/kg, $720/head.
Bulls: R 1, S and P Baker, Omakere, 29 fries, av weight, 133kg, 330c/kg, $440/head; Ipurangi Development, Waimarama, six ang, av weight, 192kg, 259c/kg, $500.
Heifers: R2, Braesomar, Tutira, 20 ang, av weight, 403kg, 267c/kg, $1080/head; 12 ang, av weight, 358kg, 248c/kg, $890/head; Maraetara Farming Seafield Rd, 33 ang, av weight, 305kg, 252c/kg $770/head; 11 ang, av weight, 299kg, 244c/kg, $730/head; Highgrove, Eskdale, eight charo-cross, av weight, 377kg, 262c/kg, $990/head; Caithness, Sherenden, 13 ang, av weight, 331kg, 241c/kg, $800/head; M Walmsley, Stock Rd, 14 here-fries, av weight, 398kg, 259c/kg, $1030/head; J Lyons, Raukawa, five ang, av weight, 335kg, 229c/kg, $770/head; PGGW Exports, Taupo, nine ang, av weight, 286kg 213c/kg, $610/head. R1, Z Scott, Tutira, 16 here-fries, av weight, 147kg, 275c/kg, $405/head; 17 here-cross, av weight, 134kg, 241c/kg, $325/head; 16 here, av weight, 167kg, 266c/kg, $445/head; Rapaki Farming, Farm Rd, 21 ang, av weight, 199kg, 290c/kg, $560/head; Whakamarumaru Station, Crownthorpe, 18 ang, av weight, 150kg, 292c/kg, $440/head; Carrfields Exports, Taupo, eight ang, av weight, 218kg, 252c/kg, $550/head; nine ang, av weight, 189kg, 267c/kg, $505/head; nine ang, av weight, 163kg, 260c/kg, $425/head; PGGW Exports, Taupo, eight ang, av weight, 235kg, 234c/kg, $550/head; 20 ang, av weight, 167kg, 244c/kg, $410/head; Hinerua Station, Wakarara, 26 charo-cross, av weight, 183kg, 299c/kg, $550/head; and P Baker, Omakere, eight here-fries, av weight, 169kg, 236c/kg, $400/head.
Ewes: (All sil) Tangihau Station, Rere, 77 5yr, $182; 118 5yr, $185; Rocky Range, Tutira, 172 m/a, $160.50; 69 2th, $135; 94 m/a, $141; 36 m/a, $124; Willstock Farming, Eskdale, 63 m/a, $152; K Brice P/ship, Maraetotara, 28 m/a, rwr, $176; Tareha Dudding, 11 m/a, rwr, $150.
Lambs: Tangihau Station, Rere, 170 c/o, $123; 188 c/o, $110.50; 452 ewe, $82; Ferguson Pastoral, Kahuranaki, 202 c/o, $109; B Matthews, Dannevirke, 185 c/o, 202 ewe, $107; 248 ewe, $92.50; Waimaha Station, Pehiri, 602 c/o, $124; 188 c/o, $120; 239 c/o, $113; 735 ewe, $117.50; 277 ewe, $93; Mangatapiri Station, Elsthorpe, 215 c/o, $113.50; G and J McLennan, Oueroa, 226 c/o, $123.50; 88 c/o b/f, $120; 133 c/o, $116.50; Moeangiangi Station, Waikare, 223 c/o, $114.50; 285 c/o, $104.50; 120 c/o, $93; Stewart Farming, Rotohiwi, 92 male, $125.50; Canning Estate, Porangahau, 231 male, $110; 200 male, $96.50; 210 ewe, $94; 136 ewe, $77; Wedd Farming, Puketitiri, 102 male, $124; 202 ewe, $105.50; Ngahere Station, Omakere, 237 c/o, $119; 174 ewe, $90; Kiltanen Farm, Dannevirke, 276 male, $124.50; Eskridge, Eskdale, 60 c/o, $127.50; Ngamahanga P/ship, Pukehamoamoa, 65 male, $124; 158 ram, $100; 56 ewe, $106; Airhill Farming, Maraekakaho, 107 c/o, $96; 157 ewe, $84; F and J Goulding, Otamauri, 71 c/o, $120.50; 221 ewe, $107; 143 ewe, $85.50; Te Awanga Downs, Te Awanga, 162 male, $96; Campden Farming, Waiwhare, 107 c/o, $114.50; Big Hill Station, Kereru, 96 c/o, $114.50; 85 male, $113.50; 103 c/o, $108; Kentucky Farming, Waihau, 62 ram, $110; 247 ewe, $93.50; Carswell Farm, Puketitiri, 121 c/o, $119; Tukemokihi Station, Wairoa, 156 c/o, $118.50; 270 ewe, $102; 114 ewe, $90.50; Elnino, Highway 50, 122 ewe, $122; B Chrystal, Tutira, 96 ram, $100; Taikura Station, Porangahau, 99 c/0, $111; Waipapa Station, Taupo, 190 c/o, $110.50; 95 c/o, $105.50; Omakere Station, Omakere, 77 weth, $108; 122 ewe, $93; Hobson Farming, Flemington, 129 m/s, $111; 200 m/s, $107.50; D Koster, Taupo, 103 m/s, $107; 135 m/s, $80; Kokako Farm, Ohiti Rd, 162 ewe, $120; Te Awa Farm, Highway 50, 217 ewe, $70; 217 ewe, $76.50; C Strong, Pakipaki, 90 ewe, $109.50; R Dawson, Tutira, 210 ewe, $95.50; Colonsay Farm, Otamauri, 100 ewe, $94; R and L McKay, Tikokino, $101.50; Trigham Station, Patoka, 87 ewe, $71.50; S Virtue, Mangakahu, 82 m/s, $96; Smedley Station Tikokino, 121 ewe, $90; 235 ewe, $78; 86 ewe, $90.50.
A good quality yarding of cattle returned better prices at Monday's sale.
Most of the yarding of 71 head comprised angus oxen and heifers. The best of the oxen, weighing at 586kg, made $2.80/head.
In the sheep pens many of the scanned-dry ewes were showing signs of the prolonged drought.
A big offering of almost 700 lambs met good demand. Most of them were good quality and showing no signs of drought.
Oxen: (Ang, ang-cross) |Av weight, 535kg to 586kg, 231c/kg to 280kg, $1293/head to $1641/head.
Heifers: (Ang, ang-cross) Av weight, 485kg to $605kg, 254c/kg to 257xc/kg, $1246/head to $1536/head.
Cow: (Ang) Weight, 500kg, 161c/kg, $805/head.
Bull: (Ang) Weight, 830kg, 235c/kg, $1962/head.
Sheep Wethers: 12 m/a, $180.
Ewes: Woolly, good, $127.50 to $136.50; med, $91.50; $105; light, $86.50. Slipe, good, $145; med, $102 to $117.50; light, $30 to $94. Shorn, good, $134; med, $$124; light, $70.50, $86.50.
Lambs: Male, $90 to $164.50; ewe, $100 to $148.50; b/f, $125.50; m/s, $91 to $125, b/f, $175.