Buyers for the cattle and about 1500 sheep came from Hawke’s Bay, Rangitikei and Wairarapa as well as a number on the Bidr platform.
(There is no prime sale report this week.)
Cattle - steers: 3yr, R and S Clayton, Middleton Rd, 16 ang, 602kg, 352c/kg, $2120/head; 13 ang, 622kg, 346c/kg, $2155/head. 2yr, F and M Goulding, Waiwhare, 27 ang, 574kg, 350c/kg, $2010/head; 13 ang, 507kg, 337c/kg, $1710/head; Chesterhope Station, Pakowhai, 43 ang, 514kg, 388c/kg, $1740/head; 32 ang, 476kg, 333c/kg, $1590/head; Roscommon Farm, Wairoa, 30 ang, 507kg, 341c/kg, $1730/head; Parikimai Farm, Rissington, 18 ang, 556kg, 339c/kg, $1890/head; seven ang-here, 549kg, 333c/kg, $1830/head; Laugesen Farming, Elsthorpe, 24 ang, 444kg, 328c/kg, $1460/head; Glen Esk, Eskdale, 15 ang, 454kg, 323c/kg, $1470/head; G and J Steenkamer, Maraetotara, 14 here, 439kg, 320c/kg, $1410/head; eight here-fries, 444kg, 308c/kg, $1370/head; Sun Valley, Puketapu, 11 charo, 555kg, 334c/kg, $1860/head; six charo, 493kg, 493kg, 316c/kg, $1560/head; T Marra, Clive, nine ang, 371kg, 295c/kg, $1100/head; 10 simm, 385kg, 309c/kg, $1190/head; 14 murray grey, 366kg, 297c/kg, $1090/head; G Hibbs, Porangahau, five here, 473kg, 315c/kg, $1490/head. Yrling, N Twist, Argyll, 27 ang, 324kg, 380c/kg, $1235/head; 21 ang, 304kg, 387c/kg, $1180/head; Arohiwi Station, Puketitiri, 34 ang, 270kg, 422c/kg, $1140/head; 29 ang, 251kg, 419c/kg, $1055/head; 23 ang, 236kg, 433c/kg, $1025/head; Lindholm, Patoka, 11 ang, 364kg, 355c/kg, $1295/head; 19 ang, 221kg, 406c/kg, $900/head; Turiroa Station, Wairoa, 294kg, 385c/kg, $1135/head; G Hibbs, Porangahau, five here-cross, 280kg, 307c/kg, $860/head.
Bulls: Yrling, S Cullwick, Pakipaki, 24 fries, 204kg, 384c/kg, $785/head; J O’Dowd, Waipukurau, seven crossbred, 164kg, 292c/kg, $480/head; Wairua Diaries, Aorangi, 11 fries, 118kg, 438kg, $520/head; five here-fries, 135kg, 418c/kg, $565/head.
Heifers: 2yr, Sun Valley, Puketapu, 20 charo, 458kg, 314c/kg, $1440/head; 13 charo, 429kg, 306c/kg, $1315/head; Waikare Dairy Co, Waikare, 29 here-fries, 480kg 310c/kg, $1490/head; Davis Livestock, Maraekakaho, 30 ang, 402kg, 318c/kg, $1280/head; Apley Station, Rissington, 27 here-fries, 451kg, 310c/kg, $1400/head; 14 here-fries, 420kg, 316c/kg, $1330/head; Lynmar farms, Sherenden, 26 simm-cross, 481kg, 316c/kg, $1525/head; Natusch P/ship, Maraekakaho, 18 sth dev, 476kg, 329c/kg, $1570/head; seven sth dev, 453kg, 327c/kg, $1485/head; Hautope land Co, Hautope, five ang, 400kg, 281c/kg, $1125/head. Yrling, Arohiwi Station, Puketitiri, 26 ang, 251kg, 253c/kg, $800/head; 23 ang, 218kg, 316c/kg, $690/head; Libya Farming, Waikare, 22 ang, 249kg, 313c/kg, $780/head; fivw ang, 179kg, 296c/kg, $530/head; The Brow, Tikokino, 21 here-fries, 281kg, 305c/kg, $860/head; nine here-fries, 273kg, 296c/kg, $810/head; Davis Livestock, Maraekakaho, eight ang, 270kg, 277c/kg, $750/head; Hautope Land Co, Hautope, six ang, 196kg, 294c/kg, $580/head; J O’Dowd, Waipukurau, five spklprk, 157kg, 254c/kg, $400/head; Wairua Dairies, Aorangi, 11 dairy-cross, 125kg, 422c/kg, $530/head.
Sheep - ewes, lambs at foot: Salisbury P/ship, Poukawa, eight b/f, 22 b/f, $88.50.
Lambs: K Harding and Co, Woodville, 125 wilt ewe, $221, B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 109 c/o, $135; 105 c/o, $123; 64 c/o b/f, $136; 65 b/f ewe, $123; Waipiropiro Station, Poukawa, 117 c/o, $121; 45 ewe, $110; 20 ewe, $100; Lazy Acres, Puketapu, 95 c/o, $123.50; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 225 male, $102; 138 ewe, $102; 46 ewe, $92; Belmont Station, Eskdale, 106 c/o, $105; 102 ewe, $120.50; 55 ewe, $107; A and D Delugar, Waipawa, 61 ewe, $121; 17 ewe, $102.