Heifers: 2yr, K Hunt, Aorangi Rd, eight ang, av weight, 423kg, 293c/kg, $1240/head.
Steers: 2yr, Sea Change, Porangahau, six fries, av weight, 393kg, 261c/kg, $1030/head.
R1, S and R Martin, Tutira, 11 ang, av weight, 188kg, 425c/kg, $800/head; G Gates, Puketitiri Rd, five ang-here, av weight, 328kg, 272c/kg, $895/head.
Sheep — ewes, lambs at foot: Mangakuri Station, Elsthorpe, 40 ewes, 57 lambs, $119.50 all counted; 42 ewes, 64 lambs, $113; S and V martin, St Georges Rd, 22 ewes, 37 lambs, $110; G Clements, Waimarama, nine ewes, nine lambs, $112; C and S Cutbush, Porangahau, 14 ewes, 20 lambs, $123; S Mowat, Raukawa, five ewes, nine lambs, $100; J May, Waipukurau, six ewes, seven lambs, $97.
Ewes: S and R Martin, Tutira, 23 m/a wilt, rwr, $183.
Lambs: Te Awatapu Downs, Chatham Island, 159 male, $172; 66 ewe, $152; B and E Tuanui, Chatham Island, 173 c/o, $179.50; Frampton Farm, Takapau, 139 male, $181.50; 98 ewe, $164.50; M Johnson, Haumoana, 153 ram, $180.50; 53 male, $161; G and J McLennan, Oueroa, 189 male, $160; 140 ewe, $155.50; 148 ewe, $150; Whakamarumaru Station, Crownthorpe, 153 m/s, $154; 37 m/s, C Nicholson, Roys Hill, 119 male, $166.50; Braylin Farming, Mangaorapa, 111 c/o, $178.50; 60 b/f ewe, $155.50; Apley Ltd, Puketapu, 97 male, $184; 47 ram, $170; Joncole P/ship, Te Aute, 64 ram b/f, $183.50; 48 ram, $161; 32 ram, $128.50; Kaiara Enterprises, Chatham Island, 49 male, $160; Providence Farming, Sherenden, 43 male, $162.50; 104 ewe, $160.50; Ngamana Ltd, Porangahau, 76 m/s, $161; 126 ewe, $146; C and S Cutbush, Porangahau, 52 c/o, $157; S Eaton, Ongaonga, 36 c/o, $177; Te Matarae Farm, Chatham Island, 175 b/f m/s, $164.50; 190 b/f m/s, $150; 41 m/s, $123; G and E Cameron, Chatham Island, 248 m/s, $166.50; 65 m/s, $150; Tuuta/Seymour, Chatham Island, 98 m/s, $117; Hobson Farming, Ngawaka, 245 ewe, $160.50; Puketio Farm, Te Hauke, 368 ewe, $144; 160 ewe, $133.50; 210 ewe, $127.50; 73 ewe, $126; Te Umuopua Station, Takapau, 103 ewe, $175.50; R Holmes, Chatham Island, 138 ewe, $169; B Kent, Bay View, 73 ewe, $185; B Harrison, Haumoana, 66 m/s, $148; The Heath, Aorangi Rd, 30 ewe, $136; B Eade, 59 ewe, $167.50; Carlyon Station, Farm Rd, 78 ewe, $167.50; P and E Seymour, Chatham Island, 107 m/s, $101; Wakarara Farm, Kereru, 54 ewe, $129; Papuni Station, Wairoa, 32 m/s, $137.
Prime sale
Lamb prices continued to be strong at Monday's sale.
The top pen of male lambs made $228 while the best ewe lambs reached $198.
Ewe prices reflected the quality on offer.
In the cattle sale of 45 head heavy angus steers made $3.15/kg and cows $2.40/kg.
Cattle — steers: (Ang) Av weight, 768kg, 315c/kg, $2420/head.
Heifers: (Ang sth dev, ang-cross, ang-here) Av weight, 460kg to 648kg, 288.5c/kg to 311c/kg, $3127/head to $2107/head.
Cows: (Ang, sth dev) Av weight, 650kg, 240c/kg, $1560/head.
Sheep — ewes: Woolly, med, $132 to $143; lighter, $81 to $119. Slipe, heavy, $200; good, $166, $176; med, $130 to $150; light, $109 to $121; v light, $104 to $109.
Lambs: Male, $174 to $228; ewe, $$154 to $198; M/s, $1255 to $180.50.