I wanted to have my say as I feel strongly about water consents being given to bottling plants on the Heretaunga plains.
The only reason these water bottling plants have been set up is because there is a problem with the current resource consent process and these businesses are preying on this weakness. I am sure they would have gone elsewhere if we hadn't been so gullible and we didn't have such lovely water.
I realise various bottling plants have already got permission to take water, and have invested in buildings and infrastructure, but this must be revoked in some way. I am quite happy for my rates to increase to cover the cost of employing lawyers to challenge the situation. I understand the Regional Council employees and councillors involved were only following the Resource Management Act.
But sometimes the laws need slight tweaking to make them fair. Laws are there to serve us but don't they need changing as society, technology and values change? Water is becoming a valuable and thus saleable resource and the act should be altered to reflect this.
At this stage the council is not able to make decisions on granting consents based on how they value the entity asking for the consent. The council is apparently not able to consider what they are using the consented activity to do -- ie where the resource is ending up? This is a difficult situation. There must be other councils around the country facing similar problems?